Roundtable to accelerate HCV elimination in Belgium
Belgium has the poorest results in the elimination of hepatitis C
In 2016, our country endorsed the WHO goal to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030. In Belgium, at least 13,000 people are infected with hepatitis C and no less than 300 patients die each year from the consequences of their infection. Exactly 10 years from the final target, Belgium,together with a few other countries, reports the poorest results in the elimination of the disease.
As Belgian experts, we have formed a coalition to accelerate the elimination of hepatitis C in our country. To this end, we have drawn up a policy letter which we will put on the table at an online roundtable. You will find the list of coalition members below. Although independent, the coalition is supported by AbbVie Belux and Gilead Sciences Belux. The online roundtable will take place on Friday 9 October from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. You can register via this link. A few days before the roundtable, you will receive the final composition of the speakers’ panel and a secure link allowing you to follow the roundtable. During the discussion, we will give you the opportunity to participate in the debate.
On behalf of the spokespersons of the HCV coalition,
- Dr. Stefan Bourgeois (ZNA)
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Mulkay (CHU St. Pierre)
- Prof. Dr. Geert Robaeys (Hospital Oost-Limburg, UHasselt, UZ Leuven)

The HCV coalition consists of the following experts:
- Dr. Dirk Avonts (Domus Medica),
- Dr. Stefan Bourgeois (ZNA),
- Dr. Dana Busschots (Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, UHasselt),
- Dr. Christian Brixko (CHR de la Citadelle and penitentiary medical service),
- Dr. K. Françoise Desselle (CHC – Siège social),
- Dr. Anja Geerts (UZ Gent),
- Dr. Frans Govaerts (Domus Medica),
- Dr. Luc Lasser (CHU Brugmann),
- Griet Maertens (Free Clinic Antwerp),
- Dr. Lise Meunier (CHU Saint Pierre),
- Dr. Christophe Moreno (University Hospital Erasmus),
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Mulkay (CHU Saint- Pierre),
- Dr. Frederik Nevens (UZ Leuven),
- Dr. Geert Robaeys (Hospital Oost-Limburg, UHasselt, UZ Leuven),
- Dr. Pierre Van Damme (University of Antwerp),
- Dr. Roel Van Giel (Domus Medica),
- Dr. Thomas Vanwolleghem (UZ Antwerpen),
- Dr. Wim Verlinden (AZ Nikolaas),
- Tessa Windelinckx (Free Clinic Antwerp).